Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cendawan Sawit

One day I was having dinner with a friend. Then he asked me to study  more on Cendawan Kelapa Sawit (Oil Palm Mushroom in Malay language).

Mushrooms are a favourite "sayur" or wild vegetables of the Ibans and other indigenous people of Sarawak. I  sure there is potential to commercialize this mew venture.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi, cendawan sawit is actually called Ganoderma boninense. It posses deadly threat to our oil palm industry as no cure is yet to be found. I'm not sure if human being can consume it, hehe..
    read my site for better understanding as we have done several research on this parasite.
    - Cendawan Sawit

    1. This cendawan sawit is edible..not that killer ganoderma bro...
